Biomimicry DesignLens

Graphic property of Biomimicry 3.8

"How do we make the act of asking nature's advice a normal part of everyday inventing?"
Janine Benyus, author Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature


What Is Biomimicry?

Biomimicry is the conscious emulation of nature’s genius. It is an interdisciplinary approach that brings together of two often disconnected worlds: nature and technology, biology and innovation, life and design.

The practice of biomimicry seeks to bring the time-tested wisdom of life to the design table to inform human solutions that create conditions conducive to life. 

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Essential Elements of Biomimicry

The practice of biomimicry embodies three interconnected, but unique ingredients; the three Essential Elements of Biomimicry represent the foundation of the biomimicry meme. By combining the essential elements together, bio- inspired design becomes biomimicry.

They are ethos, emulate, and (re)connect.


Life's Principles

Life’s Principles are design lessons from nature. Based on the recognition that Life on Earth is interconnected and interdependent, and subject to the same set of operating conditions, Life has evolved a set of strategies that have sustained over 3.8 billion years. Life’s Principles represent these overarching patterns found amongst the species surviving and thriving on Earth.


Biomimicry Thinking

Biomimicry Thinking provides context to where, how, what, and why biomimicry fits into the process of any discipline or any scale of design. While akin to a methodology, Biomimicry Thinking is a framework that is intended to help people practice biomimicry while designing anything. There are four areas in which a biomimicry lens provides the greatest value to the design process (independent of the discipline in which it is integrated): scoping, discovering, creating, and evaluating.


The Biomimicry DesignLens is a PDF collection of biomimicry concepts and frameworks that represent the foundations of the Biomimicry 3.8 design approach.  See usage terms here.

🌎   Biomimicry Goes Global | Biomimicry DesignLens is available in the following languages which are all included in the download: Deutsch, English, Español, Français ,Italiano and Nederlands.

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